September 2, 2023
5 min read
How to format a price input in Webflow
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See how to format a price input in Webflow in action:
1) Create the input field
- Insert Form element to the Webflow
- Style it
- Make sure the ID of the element is "application-form-income"
- Make sure the type of the form is "Plane" NOT "number"

2) Add Javascript
- Open the Pages
- Open settings of the page
- Before the </body> add following code
3) Code explain

This line will fetch the input element

This function will
- Target the input
- Replace all the non-numeric elements
- Remove zeros if they are leading (try it - you will not be able to type 0 when is empty)
- Formats the user's input to display as a currency value by calling the formatNumber function.

The last function takes a number as an argument and formats it as a currency value. The function uses a regular expression to add commas to separate thousands, and returns the formatted value.
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