A step-by-step notion template to spot and fix hidden bugs, broken links, and incompatible designs in your new website.
If you’re launching a new website,
Or you build websites for a living.
You know the initial design and development is comparatively easy
Meanwhile, your head might start spinning when you have to test it against different metrics like,
In over 6 years of scaling my web development agency,
I’ve built over 150 websites, ranging from Fortune 500s to the big mammoths in competitive markets.
It has led me to win over 7 design awards among thousands of best designers worldwide.
I’ve been in the trenches, done it over and over again.
I’ve used that experience to compile a list of every single issue websites have,
And I’ve put it into a checklist with video tutorials so my team can have a systematic bug-testing workflow, and never second guess if “they’re still missing something”
They just run projects through that checklist making it simple as f**k to have a bug-free, smoothly running, fast, and responsive website.
It helped us build the most responsive and stunning websites on the internet,
I’ve named it Website Pre Launch Checklist,
You can get it for 9 bucks here.